Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Between Mantin, KL and Adelaide

oi ma men..

hufff, udh mau jm 2 nh. nga tau mau tdr tp blom ngantuk..hhh.. nge blog kykny plg pas nh..

this week nothing intrsting.. just as usual.. oh iy td kita bru aj book hotel di sydney.. bukan hotel sh, lbh tpatnya service apartment.. ya pokokny ad tmpt tinggal lh. thx to jonskai udh bookingin pk card ny dia haha.. bodo amat abis2 dah tuh duit..haha.. akhirny ke sydney jg kita.. mantapp.. cant wait to see the fireworks man.. damn cool!!

dn gw skype brg oji fr the first time snce i arrived in Adelaide!! woohoooo!! dgn tenaga internet seadanya (internet KTJ) dia bersusah payah untk call gw sama dimas via skype..
5 menit pertama komunikasi berjalan lancar tnpa hambatan.. kata oji intrnetny lg cepet2 ny gara2 bnyk ank2 di confiscate laptopny kemaren gara2 maen Dota.. tp 1 mnt kemudian

dimaz : ojjii ,ni y gw critaiin knpa gw lg bnci sma shanka..
oji : iya mass coba ceritakan..
dimaz : jadi bgini ya BLABLAABALBALBALABLAALLBALALA kresek2 BLALLAA kresek2
oj i : mas lo ngmng udh kya babi ngepet..
gw : tau mas.. pelan2 napa klo nmgng..
Dimaz : ohh oke.. trus BLABALALBAABLALA kresek2 BLABLA kresek3 BLABLA kresek4
oji : dimaz putus2 ng dgr gw.
dimas :(nga dgr oji ngmng apaan) BLABLABLABLABLAkerrsesk222
oji : ahh udah lah mati aj.. internet cacat. dadahhh
gw : yahh ji jgn prgi..
oji : nothing is comingggg..(with the indian accent ala russel peters) cpk gw dit, daahh.
gw : chat aj y ji, dahhh
dimaz : (ni anak msh nga dgr oji bilang ap) BLABLABALAABLABALABLABLA jd gitu ji.. kesel nga sihh lo.. ji??
gw : (diem)
dimaz : ojiii ? oji ny mana??
gw : udah cabut, dia nga bisa dgr katanya...
dimaz : ahhhh ojiiii~~~~

bgitulah dgn menggunakan internet seadanya, oji mengakhiri pembicaraan kita.. we'll talk to you soon oji!! dont worry!!

o ya Dimaz has refuse to visit my blog.. i dont knw why but i think it is bcause my first post.. hahah.. bt i think he will visit my blog sooner or later..haha

nite guys..

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