Saturday, November 21, 2009

go Admira!!


do u guys watch the new show in star world asia called" HP Space"?? okay if u dnt knw, i'll tell u a bit..HP SPACE - The reality series that celebrates the spirit of creative innovation, allowing Asia's aspiring talents to discover their potential and unleash their creative passion. krn males nulis gw copy paste aj y,hehe. okay there ar 16 contestant from thousands of auditions.. and one of the 16 is my cousin and also my neighbour.ADMIRA PUSTIKA!! yeyyy.. gw biasa panggil dia mimih.. dia sodara gw dn dia tinggal di sbrang rumah gw jg.. kita lumayan deket. mimih sering maen ke rmh gw.. biasany sih buat bantuin bokap gw nge design sesuatu buat restoranny..hehe. dia ilustrator.. dia prnh kerja di TRAX magazine.. gw sring dpt gratis dulu majalah Trax dr dia , hahaha lumayan kn.. dia bikin mural jg. Mural th bikin gambar dgn media tembok.. mirip sama grafitti sh.. tp beda.

so she is the only contestant from Indonesia and Im proud. very proud... dia menyisihkan ribuan kontestan lainny pas audisi. audisiny th tiap kontestan kirim video audisi.. not an easy things to do.. there she is..

ad video profile ny jg di youtube..
ad rumah gw lohh..wkwkwk

ad jg video audition ny..

check out her mural... so nice.. and whn i watched this video, i miss my Opa... Opa psti sng bgt klo bisa liat mimih skrg.. mimih itu cucu pertama ny opa.. klo gw ke 5.. total ad 7 cucu di kluarga Tjandra.. smua nya cewe kcuali gw sama uwi.. yg cewe sh berprstasi smua.. ad yg msk tipi, jd dokter, design interior, kerja di jepang, fotografer.. gw sama uwi?? plg ble e.. maen PS mulu, skolah bolos, nilai pas2an ,ngabis2 in duit, alah... maaf kn cucu2 mu ini y opa.. ntar psti sukses dh di masa depan.. janji dh.

okay hope tht mimih can win this competition.. hadiahny??/ USD 50.000 and work in Australia for remaking the anime "Bubblegum Crisis".. anime ap jg kga prnh tau gw.. but goodluck fr mimih, all the best !!

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